Image source – Pixabay

There are around 10,000 species of birds around the world. Each of these species of birds is unique from each other, not only in their structure but also in their color. There are birds that are so pretty, grateful are our eyes.

Evolution has led to birds developing colorful plumage for various possible reasons. They need to attract mates. Different colors and patterns help birds identify birds from their own species. Their color also helps them keep safe from predators by camouflaging themselves against flowers and trees.

Whatever the reason for birds’ beautiful feathers, nature has blessed the earth with birds that have the most stunning color. Read further to explore five birds that look so magnificent, it will take your breath away.

1. Rainbow Lorikeet.

Image source – Wikimedia

The Rainbow Lorikeet is a sweet-natured bird that people can also keep as pets. They are over a foot long from beak to tail. These awe-inducing birds live up to their name. Their bodies sport bright-red breasts, tinged by yellow and orange on their sides. They have a red beak. Their faces and bellies are colored a deep blue, almost like the color of the ocean. When you thought they couldn’t get more colorful, their wings, back, and head are green like grass.

These beautiful birds mostly eat seeds and insects from the ground, along with pollen, nectar, and fruit.


Rainbow Lorikeet is native to coastal regions of Australia. They can be found from Northern Queensland to Southern Australia all along the eastern coastline. They have also populated themselves in Perth, Western Australia, and in countries like Tasmania, New Zealand, and Hong Kong. Rainforests, the bush and the woodlands are where you will more likely find them. They can be seen flying for long miles, in noisy flocks of up to two dozen birds. A rainbow of Rainbow Lorikeet, flying across the sky, what a stunning sight indeed.

2. Splendid Fairy Wren.

Image source – Wikimedia

The Splendid Fairy Wren is a small and very pretty bird that is covered with a deep ink-blue color. They have a long blue tail. The sides of their head are whitish-blue, with a black band lining the back part of its head and around its breasts. Parts of its wings are sometimes greenish-blue and sometimes turquoise. Some fairy-wrens have pale purple color on their body instead of a deep ink blue. Breeding males are much more colorful and differ in appearance from non-breeding ones. The non-breeding males are grayish brown birds with blue tails. Splendid Fairy Wrens usually forage in groups, for seeds, insects, and fruits. When on the ground they move in jaunty hops, bouncing along using its feet.

These wrens display peculiar behavioral characteristics- they are socially monogamous but sexually promiscuous. This means that one male and one female form a pair, but each partner mates with other birds. They also assist in raising young ones from other pairs.

Several courtship displays by the male wren have been observed. The male wren plucks pink and purple petals and displays it to his female mates as a sign of courtship. The male wren is also known for its ‘face-fan’; he raises his whitish-blue ear-tufts, as an act of aggression or sexual display. These birds are not only colorful but display characteristics that would stun you.


These birds are commonly found in arid regions of inland Australia, and can also be seen flying around in the southwest part of Western Australia. They are mostly adapted to regions that are arid and semi-arid. They prefer dense shrub-lands and woodlands with acacia.

3. Lilac Breasted Roller.

Image source – Wikimedia

Meet the Lilac Breasted Roller, the most beautifully colored birds on this list of five birds that have stunning colors. This bird has a lilac-colored breast that turns a light pinkish purple towards its throat. The underside and the abdomen of this bird is a beautiful turquoise, the color of a beach untouched by humans. The upper parts of its wings are alternating colors of reddish-brown, blue and turquoise and a lining of deep-blue is on the underside of the wing. Its’ black beak is circled by white and sometimes a whitish-yellow. Its’ claws are a pale yellow. The bird has a forked tail, which is turquoise ending in black streamers. All in all, this is a colorful bird sporting eight different colors!


After learning about this bird, you must be eager to catch a glimpse of it. You could visit Kenya, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia (excluding the Namib Desert), and northeastern South Africa.

The Lilac Breasted Roller can live anywhere between sea-level up to 2000 meters above sea level. They prefer areas that are filled with trees and are found in environments that have not been disturbed by humans. They live in savannas and open woodland where they have access to nesting on trees. These birds are not migratory.

4. Mandarin Duck.

Image source – Wikimedia

The Mandarin Duck is usually found in East Asia. What is interesting to note is that a lot of these species have escaped from captivity and are found in wild populations in the UK and the US. The female bird is less colorful than the male. The male presents with a large white arch over its eyes. It has a red bill and a reddish-brown face, with a purple breast. The back of the bird is orange, like the sunset. These colors contrast well with the white of the stomach and chest.

You might have come across the term “wedding ducks”. Mandarin Ducks are commonly called wedding ducks because they are monogamous for life. This is the reason Mandarin Ducks are used as a symbol of fidelity in Asian countries. They are also regarded as a symbol of romance.

In the days of old, men used to catch a pair of mandarin ducks and present it to the family of his bride. These gifts are always given in a pair of two mandarin ducks. These days couples use wooden carvings and pictures of the Mandarin Duck in weddings and other decorations. What better symbol of romance could there be. These birds are an extravagance of red and orange, white, purple, and some tints of burgundy too.

The Mandarin Duck is also unique in the fact that there are ‘sails’ on its back. These are upright feathers that are large and look like the sails of a boat. These special ducks have a wingspan of up to 20 inches, a spread of vivid color.


A trip to China will let you see these ducks in their natural habitat. They are also found in Japan and some lower parts of Russia. When they are not laying eggs, mandarin ducks prefer woodland areas around water bodies. They like the wetness of swamps, marshes, lagoons, and water meadows.

Some residents in various US states are in for a lucky shock when they spot a stunning creature of color in unexpected places.

5. Indian Peacock.

Image source – Wikimedia

The list would never be complete without the majestic and royal peacock. The peacock is a male peafowl. This bird has a neck and body of bright blue that shimmers in the sunlight. A crown-like structure of blue feather adorns its head. The males are also blessed with a train of feathers filled with stunning color. This tail of feathers is what the peacock is famous for. The feathers fan out in a circular shape usually when there is a female peafowl nearby, or when it is raining. When opened, they have such an intricate design, almost like an artist carved out royalty.

The female peafowl (peahen) does not have a colorful tail of feathers like the peacock. She needs to stay hidden among the foliage so that she can lay eggs and take care of her young ones, safe from predators. Peahens are usually brown and smaller.

There exists a myth that says God cursed the peacock to have a foul voice to conceal its true beauty. The peacock has a very odd sounding call, almost like a person crying out. Nobody would think that such a beautiful creature could sound like that.

During the day peafowl break up into groups. They forage for grain and seeds, insects, berries, and fig. They also eat small reptiles and mammals. If you think that such a large bird cannot fly, think again. Peacocks can fly up to the height of a tall coconut tree. This way they are able to escape from predators. During the night peacocks nest in a tree, safe from danger.


India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka are places where peafowl is commonly sighted. They prefer warm climates compared to cold, winter climates. Peafowl is fond of open tropical forests with nearby sources of water like streams and rivers. Peacock also usually settle near fruit orchards and vegetable gardens, but not too close to humans. Once they settle into a place, they typically don’t migrate to another. A person could count themselves lucky if they have seen even one of these beautiful birds. Sighting these birds with stunning color is a treat for bird photographers and wildlife enthusiasts. Who could say if these birds exist solely for our pleasure, or is evolution the reason these birds are beautifully decorated.