
Meet Asterpix
Asterpix is an endeavor of the best of creative minds that aims to offer the best archive of stock photos and curated images for creatives, marketing professionals, and individuals.
Our mission
Our mission is to be the best community-based photo archive with a global reach and to solve the visuals related pain points of creative professionals, marketers, businesses, bloggers, and individuals.
Before launching the site, a tremendous amount of background work has gone in. We have worked hard for many months to bring you the best of images arranged in convenient categories and of the highest resolution. With an easy search function, finding the right images for your branding or blog is quick, easy, and hassle-free. We aim to make your experience at Asterpix a seamless and enriched one. While you can search for images as a guest, we encourage registration on our site to make the most of your association with us.
A talented team of professionals
Asterpix’s team consists of professionals from various domains, including legal, creative, marketing, and image quality control. Our intensive legal scrutiny and image quality control processes ensure you get world-class images that are licensed for use.
Best in-class images
All the images you find in the Astperix archive can be downloaded and re-used for personal, professional, or commercial purposes. The stunning images are free and have been contributed by the artists and creatives across the world. Our expansive network of contributors includes both photography professionals and amateur photo hobbyists.
We have ensured our repertoire of stock images covers all categories, ranging from food, travel, nature, family, sports, business, health, Christmas to festivals, locations, illustrations, and everything in-between.
If you are a creative illustrator, amateur photographer, or a professional photographer, we invite you to contribute your work and give back to the community in a creative way.